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Welcome to The Late Crew Website

This is the official website for The Late Crew, the award-winning children's book series (perfect for 8-12 year olds) about young carers investigating aliens!


The Late Crew was awarded Best Indie Young Reader 2023 at the UK's children at the UK Children's Literature Festival - but sadly its ts original small publisher was forced to close down just weeks earlier. Luckily, the wonderful Valley Press stepped in - and now not only are they relaunching the first book, they are launching the brand new sequel too!


How to pre-order the book

You can preorder the books here, for delivery in Summer 2024. We offer special discounts to schools or carers charities who would like multiple copies of the book, as well as free visits and workshops - to find out more, just get in touch.


Why young carers (and aliens?) 

To find out more about the mission behind the book, and author Rab's work with charities and schools click here.


Have you written your own story?

Could you write a story in under 100 words? If so, you could have it published on this website! Have a go here.


Stay updated on alien activity!

Did you know each book follows a different young carer, and new alien adventures Just enter your email address below to be updated on news about the series, and when new books are coming out.

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