As well as being entertaining books for young people (aged 8-12) to read, there are 3 aims behind The Late Crew:
Young carers will be excited to see themselves in a book!
Other young people will understand what it means to be a carer.
Some children will read it and realise that they are a carer, even if they didn't know before.
Alongside these young carer related aims, the books shows a positive depiction of autism, chronic fatigue, mental health conditions, and the different ways family can take shape.
Because of the above, we're really keen to get copies of The Late Crew out to schools and carers charities. If you work for either, or for another youth-based organisation, please get in touch via the contact form and we can chat about possible collaborations.
This can include author visits and alien-making workshops, or just how to get copies of the book into your organsation. We're looking forward to hearing from you.
Rab has spoken at conferences led by young carers, delivered workshops in person and over video call, and read at schools assemblies in awareness raising tours arranged by carers charities.