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Free stories on

Three of Rab's short stories can be read for free on the Storgy website. These stories are best for the young adult audience and older - I'll try and write some free kids ones soon! 


In The Family six-year-old Ameila discovers she has the power to create any fairytale creature she imagines. Her father has the same power, but will Ameila listen to his demands to repress her abilities?


In These Empty Stands threeyoung men break into a football stadium, where a ghost waits for one of them.


In Ricia an elderly couple brave icy conditions to complete their tradition of wearing their formal best to go to a fast-food burger restaurant. Their old games take on a different meaning this winter night.


Free poetry

For something a bit different, here's some poetry you can read for free.


In Gingerbread House Lit Mag, When Libraries Burn visits the Jemaa El Fna marketplace, where the storytelling tradition is under threat. This poem was nominated for a Sundress best of the net award.


Two free magazines include Rab's poetry. Streetcake Magazine includes poems laid out creatively on the page, and features Sending a letter home about the message an astronaut sends back to earth. The City Fox features poems around fawn and fauna, and features Men like Romeo, based on the true story of a fox living in the London Shard during construction


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